I am trying to work on the following problem and I am willing to transfer universities to find a good advisor:

We do not need to take the whole of the real numbers to do engineering. Since engineers only care about the first n decimal places and treat everything after that as noise, if every term in an equation has units of meters, replace them with units of centimeters, millimeters, decimeters, etc, effectively multiply everything by 10^n for what ever n value is important. Then go and use the ring of integers).

(update)I took some liberties when posting the problem that I did not think would be relevant but have clearly shown to be vital based on the comments I have received. Because engineers have the option to work in which ever set of units are desired ie, centimetres, milimeters, nanometres, etc, seconds, miliseconds, nanoseconds, etc. any problem that is not dimensionless to start with can be written as a problem in the integers with some rounding. As far as engineers are concerned, anything over n decimal places is literately noise from their equipment and not meaningful information. It does not matters that noise1+noise2+noise3+...etc > threshold for not noise. Engineers live with this all the time, of course it would be nice to be able to find out the approximate size of the error term. Does this make the initial equation not in a ring? Yes, but the equation that the engineers consider to be a good enough approximation will be in the ring of integers. Just like when we approximate functions with taylor series there will be error associated with this method. Have I figured out the exact extend to the error yet, no. As important as this is that is something that I need to work on. Yes, the value of n for an engineer will change if they multiply 2 numbers together with differing values n1 and n2 needed to make all significant figures into integers, but if the dimensions of the numbers provide a useful tool to avoid this pitfall. If I multiply x in meters by y in seconds before switch everything from meters to nanometres and seconds to nanoseconds, then the conversion from meters to nanometers is multiplication by 10^9, and the conversion from seconds to nanoseconds is again multiplication by 10^9. So the product x*y would have to be multiplied by 10^18 in the conversion. Similarly if I wanted to convert the volume to cubic nanometers from cubic meters I would have to multiply by 10^27. (end update)

Call S the result of truncating the the field of real numbers to n decimal places (with n being a value relevant to the engineering problem in question), and then multiplying by 10^n. S will be a ring of integers with the usual operations of addition and multiplication.

Let R be the group ring by taking S , and crossing it with the free abelian group, on 7 generators, Z^7. IE with operations performed as follows 2seconds*4meters/second = 8 meters, 2seconds+4meters/second= 2seconds+4meters/second . This group ring is close enough of an approximation to the engineering approximations used that a solution found in the group ring would be meaningful to an engineer.

Now the free abelian group has all its subgroups as normal subgroups. Take the homomorphism f, from R to R with the free abelian group on 6 generators Z^6, defined by f:(S, x1, x2, … x7) → (S, x1, x2, … x6, 0). Because this is well defined by the first isomorphism theorem for rings, it shows that (0, 0, 0, … x7) is an ideal for R. Similarly, g:(S, x1, x2, … x7) → (0, x1, x2, … x6, 0), and h:(S, x1, x2, … x7) → ( S mod r, x1 mod a1, x2 mod a2 , … , x7mod a7 ) show that ( S, 0, 0,…,0, a7x7) and ( r S, a1x1, a2x2,… a7x7) and must also be an ideals of R. Therefore the Chinese Remainder theorems can be used on these ideals of R.

Further, the Chinese remainder theorem can be used on polynomials of this group ring R[x], with x not only having values in the integers but also values in terms of meters, seconds, etc.

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