I have a Recurrent Neural Network with architecture 5(inputs)-4(hidden)-1(output) with output connected to context neuron only (only one feedback from output neuron). I am using Back Propagation through time.

I have understood forward pass and calculated it. Now in backward pass i have calculate error and delta of error but now how to update weights?

Whether BackPropagation of is applied to all layers or just for context layer to output or to whole network?

Actually I have some problem in how to implement it in java? I have created array of 5 network (for 5 unfold) for each network calculated i submit its output to context neuron of next network and do forward pass for each network.

For Backward pass I am calculating error of 5th network and delta of network, for remaining networks I add calulate error as

err=error(desired -output for respective input)+weight from context neuron to output of next network* delta of error of next layer,

but now whether I have to apply full BackPropagation to each network or just update wt of context layer to output and weights of hidden to output of each network?

I am stuck at this point please help me.

And please suggest any sample dataset like time series on which I can test my network.

My aim is time series prediction with recurrent neural network.

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