Dear Mohammed I. Younis, this is very interesting question. IoT encompasses three bodies of study namely electronics, programming and applications. When we think about electronics the learner need to be given little orientation on different components of electronics ala IC, LED, resister... It is better if the learner has the opportunity to develop skills as how to make small circuits with out giving emphasis on underlying dynamics. The second is programming, which deals with using certain computing languages (like C for arduino and Python for Raspberry). This, perhaps needs more emphasis due to the very reason that the behavior of components and circuits can be designed through this. The third is applications; you can bring in certain use cases of business applications in case if you want to try IIoT, you have plenty of applications as far as consumer IoT is concerned. You can also call experts for orientation programs. Feel free to call me at +919177573730 for help.
Dear Debra, Thank you very much for your valuable links. From academic point of view, I see the suggested courses. It seems these courses are deal with IoT from different perspectives. Perhaps, An integration of these courses is also desired.
Dear Kamakshaiah, thank you very much for your interest answer.
Also, Communication and networking technologies and protocols also desired. Security and privacy issues.Java ( besides Python and C) and DB Programming.