i want to take some industrial projects or research problems. can you give me the procedure and diffrent methods to search industrial problems in the area of heat transfer, CFD and I.C engines
I have worked in the power and process industry since 1980 and have written many computer models. The three that got me started were cooling towers, submerged multi-port diffusers (large cooling water discharges from a nuclear plant into a river), and moisture separator reheaters (found in nuclear plant steam systems). In all three cases I went to the plants with a trunk full of instruments and climbed all over and crawled through everything I could fit into and measured everything I could. I also spent a lot of time talking to people who had to work with and repair these things on a day-to-day basis. I did all this before I sat down to write the first line of computer code. If you want topics to work on, ask the people who work at these plants what they have the most trouble with. The people who know will always be busy, but if they think you can eventually help them, they can be a wealth of information. There's no since wasting your time trying to fix something that isn't broken, so look where the problems are most urgent.