A research paper is an eventual result of one's prior study on a certain research subject. It means, one has already passed the stages of having an initial idea or interest; reviewing respective papers, data measurements, collection, storing, and processing results, coming up with the final idea by making prior and new data processed with your skills of imagination, synthesis, and combination.
Thus, writing a research paper makes sense only as a final stage of your research, provided you obtained non-trivial results. Then, the best advice is to take a close to your subject matter paper in the journal you are looking for publishing your future paper, and follow a similar format, sequence of the various parts of a paper, style and logic clarity generally accepted in this journal.
A research paper is simply communicating the result of a research outcome. However, a research paper should carry a brief introduction of the subject matter, a fraction of literature reviewed, methodology and materials used for the study, analysis and communication of research outcome.