I have prepared the samples (nano-particles) but while centrifuging the sample impurities were not removed, so now after drying the sample I want to remove those impurities from my samples, is there any method for removing the impurities?
Eduardo I don't know which information to give you?
My samples are WO3, prepared bu Hydro-thermal method and when I centrifuge it the impurities were not removed, so I dried it without centrifuge you can say, so I don't know what to do with it now?
find some solvent in which your naoparticles are insoluble and impurities are soluble. then filter your sample with this kind of solvent several times. then might be OK.
If impurities are at macro-level, then you can filter them with a funnel, nanoparticles will go down and the large molecules will be held. This if I understood correctly and there is no chemical interaction between your impurities and your WO3 particles.
This is a good question! The example of such affection is in the attached file.
Anyway, as I know, conventional scheme of ions removing from a precipitate is a sequence: centrifugation - decantation - washig (redispersing) in water (probably under ultrasonicating) for 3-4 times and then in alcohol (to decrease agglomeration)