I am doing dpv of 4-NP in pbs buffer but no peak appers. there is too much noise. i have tried many possible solutions but all in vain. no overloading is shown. what to do?
Well if I understand your problem you want to reduce the noise or just increase the signal either way it will improve the S/N. In DPV you can try to play with you ramplitude and steps and get a better signal. One more thing I would try is maybe anodic stripping so you get a bigger signal and finally you can try substractive method which substract the background from you measurment giving you a much better S/N you can look at one of my papers I did it in SWV but it will work the same with DPV
Dear Momina:This problem can be addressed by reviewing the state of the electrical connections, plugs, using shielded cables and properly treating the working electrodes, it must be thoroughly clean and properly embedded in its teflon cover.
Most of the noise problems in voltammetric cells are caused by a bad performance of the reference electrode, but there are many other possibilities. I recommend you first to get direct help from a colleague in your institution or close enough for a visit. If that help is not available, please give us more details, e.g. what electrodes are you using, the nature of the medium, the concentration of the analyte, and the instrumental parameters you are applying for the DP experiment. Good luck.