There are some scientific works that deal with that topic. One way to realize a visualization support tool would be to determine data characteristics, interpretation objectives, practical application domain, cognitive abilities of the user etc. quantitatively and to use this information as input for a classification algorithm. Another way would be to use a rule-based expert-system operating on qualitative knowlege. However, it is a challenging task to model all these things. I'd like to learn about other approaches here!
I think an additional problem would be that the audience itself is a variable. How people respond to certain forms of visualization depends at least partially on personal preference, as well as experience.
I think the challenge is on getting to some reasonable metric. By way of example, take the interpretation objectives which Benno suggested (which I also think is a good feature to include). Interpretation objectives has to be defined in a way in which it can be separable by the classifier given a training dataset for a supervised learning algorithm, a task which I think has nothing to do with ML but with human nature and the task at hand (not impossible but difficult).
In addition to what has been written above - computationally, I'd check the number of dimensions that the visualization can reflect. (since the visual presentation is basically flat and the data is multi-variable)
At the onset, I declare that I have never worked on visualization techniques.
IMO interpretation of a visual is largely subjective. E.g. Given a histogram looking at it gives an idea about the distribution of data. Computationally, one can only derive only distribution information from the histogram. May be one can design a method to extract skewness, kurtosis, variance etc. from the histogram. My imagination limits me to think how would a computational method interpret the width of the class interval on the X-axis. Or if there are categorical values on X-axis, how and what would a machine learn from it?
Further, a visual is already summarization of raw data. Processing a summary (histogram, pie chart etc.) for further summarization may lead to serious loss of information.