We are conducting Experiment, preservation of food crop (wheat, spinach and tamato) by exposed nitrosyl compound. We are planned to analyse the effect of nitrosyl compound  estimation using ESR analysis.

But, ESR is a new analysis method to me. Arise so many doubts, not know anyone to this field, in journals not give full information. So I kindly requested to all of you clear my doubts before start to analysis,

1. how i am estimate the nitrosyl compound I water, soil, and food crops by ESR spectroscopy.

2. Which form is suitable (solid or liquid or crystal or powder) to analyse the samples for conminated food in ESR Analyzer for nitrosyl compound estimation?

3. How to obtain 'g' value and quantify the nitrosyl compound from ESR spectrum ?

How to prepare the sample for nitrosyl compound estimation in ESR analysis and how to interrupt the results from ESR spectrum? 

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