I am currently facing a problem trying to merge and analyze two different datasets. I am confused about some points (maybe they could be really obvious, but those are giving me terrible headache). 1) When you merged two datasets (from same population collected at different times), how can I put together the variables?
For example, dataset1 n=100, dataset2 n=150; They have in commun variables "Age" and "Perception_index". In dataset3 (the new one), I am supossed to create the variable "Merged", where 0=dataset1, and 1=dataset2, now how should I ensamble age?, Do I need to put values in the same column (dataset1 up, and dataset2 down= 250 observations?), or on the contrary do I need to create two age variables (one variable with 100 data filled and 150 lost? and backwards).
2) when you finally have the variables, how could I compare them?, for instance, is "perception_index" higher on dataset1 or on dataset2?
Thanks a lot in advance