I am doing a research of my PhD thesis about corporate reputation of higher education institutions (HEI) in Mozambique. I want to find out about measurements for reputations of HEIs. Articles on this subject would very valuable as well
A university is the sum of its academic departments, its faculty, its research and its students. Individual academic programs may be outstanding within a university, while others might be just adequate. Faculty can be outstanding researchers, but poor teachers or outstanding teachers and do very little research at all. That is why in the United States the accreditators use an overall evaluation process to grant accreditation to a university or a program.
A university is the sum of its academic departments, its faculty, its research and its students. Individual academic programs may be outstanding within a university, while others might be just adequate. Faculty can be outstanding researchers, but poor teachers or outstanding teachers and do very little research at all. That is why in the United States the accreditators use an overall evaluation process to grant accreditation to a university or a program.
Building up the corporate reputation calls for working on a strategy for branding educational institutions that will propel it to create long term values. Good corporate reputation of HEIs will attract students, faculty & staff and also help to initiate positive fundraising outcomes.
Usually the quality of an educational institution is measured by its branded reputation which will take into consideration the reputation of its faculty, faculty research, and student experiences. However, for evaluating the corporate reputation it would be more apt to measure the key performance indicators(KPIs) that are the used to holistically measure the quality of the HEI 's operations (involving all stakeholders) vis-a-vis their competitors. For example, with respect to academics some of the KPI's could include : Admission related (students academic profiles, number of applicants, cost , scholarship, etc.), Fund related ( Alumni contribution, corporate funding, fundraising, etc.), Alumni involvement (events, participation), Corporate involvement (Business connections, startups support, conferences/ career fair, etc.), Community related (connections, events, partners, donations, etc.), Academic course measures (learning courses, assessment, evaluation, Faculty-student ratio, etc.), Employee resources (Faulty & staff), Facilities in the campus, and so on.
I am also sharing with you a pdf file of a recent article entitled ' A review of higher education image and reputation literature: Knowledge gaps and a research agenda' by Lafuente-Ruiz-de-Sabando, Zorrilla, Forcada. Hope this article will be helpful.
You can consult the Spanish system of evaluation and accreditation of the quality of the university institutions. http://www.aneca.es/Programas-de-evaluacion
ANECA carries out its activity (evaluation, certification and accreditation) through different programs:
PEP. Evaluates the CV of the applicants for access to the figures of university professor hired
ACADEMY. Evaluate the CV for access to the bodies of university teaching staff
VERIFY. Evaluate the proposals of the curricula designed in accordance with the European Higher Education Area.
DISPLAY. The Monitor program monitors the official title to verify its correct implementation and results.
ACCREDIT. The ACREDITA program is responsible for the evaluation of official university degrees prior to the renewal of their accreditation in order to check whether their initial projects are being implemented once they are implemented.
INTERNATIONAL STAMPS. Evaluation for obtaining European quality stamps
DOCENTIA Help universities to create evaluation systems for their teaching staff
AUDIT. Guides university centers in the design of internal quality assurance systems.
CNEAI. Evaluates the research activity for the purpose of recognizing the corresponding compensation supplements
"Reputation" of a HE institution is not anything just objective and indisputable that just is. We shouldn't try to make what Haraway calls "the God trick", to try to look at something from nowhere. Reputation is situated. We must declare who we are and from which direction we make our judgements. We must relate reputation on a HEI to different groups with different interests and roles in society. A reputation of x is what people outside x think about x, grounded in their position and role in society. How do you make an average reputation estimation on just two factors as a) outstanding research publications in biohydrometallurgy versus b) unwillingness to care about local education needs of untraditional students? These characteristics of a university relates to different groups and needs in society.
It has also struck me that all positive developments in university rankings are accepted by university x just as is and communicated proudly as something evidently and objectively true, while decreasing ranking is in general ignored, questionned or criticised as subjective and unscientific. Cherry-picking is also popular; to present just one characteristic of one international ranking in one specific respect that shows something of improvment, success or excellence, but ignore everything else.
People within any organisation should not be the ones trying to make judgement about the organisations reputation.
How exactly are the World University Rankings calculated?
The rankings are unique in that they score research-focused universities across all their core missions: research, international outlook, knowledge transfer, and teaching. Staff are surveyed to share their experiences and opinions, and these results are then combined with quantitative analysis, based on research data, to construct the ranking.
The resulting 13 performance indicators are grouped into five categories:
Research: volume, income and reputation (worth 30 percent of the overall ranking score)
Teaching: the learning environment (worth 30 percent)
Citations: research influence (worth 30 percent)
International outlook: staff, students and research (worth 7.5 percent)
Industry income: innovation and knowledge transfer (worth 2.5 percent)...