I did a multiple regression analysis with IV1 (independent variable 1), IV2 (independent variable 2) and DV (dependent variable). There were two models. Model 1 only contained IV1 and DV and for model 2 IV2 was added.

There was a significant correlation between IV2 and DV, model 2 was not significant.

I do understand that this means that there is an association between IV2 and DV, and that this association dissapears when IV1 is controlled for. But, I do have a problem understanding what this really means.

Does this mean that the association between IV2 and DV solely exists because of (and through) IV1? Or does this mean that IV1 has nothing to do with the association between IV2 and DV?

I am overall just very confused on how to interpret these results.

Thanks in advance.

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