I understand:

- Probs of '(Seriese2-Serise3)/Serise3', 'Serise4', and C are significant enough since they are less than 5%.

- R-squared and Adjusted r square are good enough for my model in predicting 'Serise1': about 89% of 'Serise1' can be predicted.

But I'm not sure:

- Why 'Sum squared resid' is differ from 'Sum squared resid', and how should I interpret this?

- What exactly 'Log-likelihood' means, and if it is ok for 'Log-likelihood' to be this small (-130).

- Is it ok for F-statistics to be so high, even though Prob(F-statistic) is 0.000005?

In general, I'm not certain of my model... Maybe because I'm not that familiar with econometrics but international relations. I tried to express one of the opinions from international relation into econometrics with a simple regression model. I would be really grateful if I can get some help.

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