Merely uploading your papers on RG cannot fetch citations in short term. You will have to do something more. In this context, I agree with Frank T. Edelmann
When you upload your paper it not increase your citation rather than when some one cite your paper then your citation increase. Paper upload increase your research gate activities.
To increase your citation counts, you need to publish new and relevant research works in reputable journals.
On the issue of missing citations on RG, uploading the two papers may not increase your citation. But uploading any research paper that cite your work subsequently may show and increase the citations. Most citations on RG may not be counted or missing if: 1 - There is mistake in citing or the citation has incomplete metadata for the RG data base to extract such as journal name, publication date, abstract etc) 2 - The citing paper is not added or uploaded on ResearchGate platform. 3 - The full-text PDFs are created by scanning a hard copy, the citations can not be extracted.
Dear Umber Nawaz, it simply means that, so far, no research item uploaded to researchgate has cited you. But there is still possiblity that you may have been cited in research item not uploaded to researchgate yet. In such case, Google scholar can be of help.
One of the ways to increase your citations is to make quality publications in reputable journals with high IF. Another way is increase the visibility of your publications by joining any uploading them in many platforms such as RG, Academia, semantic scholar, your institution repository, etc.
Umber Nawaz good to see that your two articles are already listed on Google Scholar (see attached). However, they were only published last year, so it's perhaps too early to see any citations yet.
Dear Prathvi Raj Chauhan there is no need for you to do anything. It is well known that the citation counts on Google Scholar are normally higher than those on RG or Scopus. Apparently Google Scholar counts more research items such as e.g. books, book chapters etc. I would just accept that theses differences exist.
If you want to be cited. Publish good work in excellent journals. This way your work will be cited by other scientists working in the same field. Otherwise your work will not be cited and will fall in oblivion (waste of time and money).