I have read plenty of documents but no similar case found. And i am sure my test results are correct, because the same results are obtained  from different laboratory and many zircon samples from different pegmatites show negative Ce anomaly. Zircons with  negative Ce anomaly are basically hydrothermal origin or altered by  hydrothermal which exsolved from pegmatite-forming melt.


The figure show a typical negative Ce anomaly and REE tetrad in zircon from quartz core. Rea line represents metamict and altered zircon identified by CL, Raman and discordant U-Pb age, blue line represents primary zircon.

I have consider the feature is inherited from the source of oceanic sedimentary as proposed by Prof.Yang,  however, not all zircons from different textural zones of the same pegmatite  show negative Ce anomaly, for example, the zircons from blocky microcline zone show positive Ce anomaly. Now, I try to explain it to decoupling of Ce (IV) from the tricalent REEs by preferential incorporation and/or adsorption of Ce in Fe/Mn oxides/oxyhydroxides which coexist with zircon in the same zone and is characterized by positive Ce anomaly.

 I think and expect you may have a better explaination.


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