The overuse of natural resources like water, soil nutrition, air, bio-diversity and various such parameters due to agricultural development need to evaluated in terms of cost- return analysis. Are there some empirical studies on this aspect?
Excellent question put by Dr, Singh. Environmental degradation includes land degradation, water deletion, air and water pollution, nutrient depletion, microbial degradation and effect on diversity, effect on flora and fauna. Therefore, it is very difficult to estimate the cost of degradation value including all aspects. Please find attached some publications who tried to concentrate one aspect or other.
The weight (that is, effect or perceived effects or contribution of the variables, that constitute environmental degradation such as nutrient depletion, microbial degradation, air and water pollution, green house gases effects (independent variables) on crop or livestock yield (dependent variable) are determined using linear regression. Otherwise, a sort of result demonstration which which may include the use of Small Plot Adoption Technique (SPAT), or Management Training Plot (MTP) may be used. This will involve the selection of a small (SPAT) OR large (MTP) portion of with and without the elements of degradation. A comparison of the performance of crop or livestock may provide a picture of effects of environmental degradation on crop or livestock .
In confirmation of Dr. Tarafdar opinions, it should be mentioned that, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and related subjects should give more importance in agricultural management programs. It should also not be forgotten that any mistake in agricultural topics will endanger the health of the people and its costs should also be calculated.