01 January 1970 7 529 Report

Previously I worked with the attatched dataset in order to classify the normal and ictal EEG signals. Which is available at

  • V. Bajaj and R. Pachori, “Classification of seizure and non-seizure EEG signals using empirical mode decomposition,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1135–1142, Nov. 2012.
  • EEG Time Series Download Page 2012 [Online]. Available:http://epileptologie-bonn.de/cms/front_content.php?idcat=193&lang3
  • But in the following research paper I come to know about CHBMIT EEG dataset

    • V. Geethu & S. Santhoshkumar (2018): An Efficient FPGA Realization of Seizure Detection from EEG Signal Using Wavelet Transform and Statistical Features, IETE Journal of Research.
    • http://physionet.org/physiobank/database/chbmit.

    The attatched file contains the information about normal (Z) and ictal (S) EEG signals. But in case of CHBMIT dataset I am getting confused which dataset is exactly containing almost same information like subset S and subset Z. because lots of information is given in the link of CHBMIT dataset. Can anybody, give me the clean dataset of CHBMIT that will contain only the normal and ictal EEG signals of length 2048 samples as found in the research paper V. Geethu et al..

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