I am using a gravity model to study the impact of cultural differences on the total merger volume from country a to country b (in the 2000 till 2016). My dependent variable is the natural log of the total volume from country a to country b in year t. I want to add time fixed and country fixed effect. Also I want to double cluster the target and acquirer nations standard errors. My regression looks as follows;
ln(Total Volume)= a+ B(Cultural distance)+ ln(distance)+ ln(bilateral trade flow)+ other control variables+ time fixed effect+ target country fixed effects+ acquirer country fixed effects
I have made a panelid with the
egen CrossCountry=group(AcquirerNation TargetNation)
I am using stata and I have set my paneldata as follows;
xtset panelid year
I want to double cluster my standard error on the TargetNation and AcquirerNation to account for within country time-serie correlation. I was wondering if someone could help me out with this.
Kind Regards,