This is the basis of the analysis. One cannot say much about the whole.

It is a standard operation procedure in the classical physics. L = L_1 + L_2 + L_int.. One uses addition, since the classical systems support addition. Some quantities are even extensive. That means the interaction term is considered negligible.

It is impossible in relativity since a presence of the second part breaks the invariance. One cannot break a relativistic system into two relativistic parts. If you have E^2 - p^2 = m^2, then there is no rule how to make the same with two parts with the same property. It is not linear. Moreover, all interactions are supposed to be local. Thus,, if in classical physics Earth and Sun can interact via a spooky action at distance in relativity both Earth and Sun interact with the fields and never with each other.

Quantum mechanics (nonrelativistic) actually considers a phase space, that is the configuration space plus a wavevector. 2 electrons exist in the 6 dimensional space, albeit weird. That 6 dimensional space is connected to the real space by the electromagnetic field. This is amazingly different approach.

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