In addition to previous answer, a skill also can be developed by practice and experience. To develop logical skill you have to practice as many as you can. Find a programming problem (e.g. , try to write down the algorithm, then write it in any programming language which you understand. After that, compare your solution with others solution. Looking at the other people solution will make you looking to the problem from different angle, and can be useful to measure at which level of your current skill are.
Dear Birja Yadav, Logical skill means that how do develop an algorithm. And algorithm development requires problem analysis. Once you analysed then go for variables (input, intermediate, dummy, output). Think about their nature and from where you will get those and where are you going to store or use. Then think about the inter-processes, interactions, ... and this way you will be a very good software developer. Wishing you all the best. Good Luck!
In addition to previous answer, a skill also can be developed by practice and experience. To develop logical skill you have to practice as many as you can. Find a programming problem (e.g. , try to write down the algorithm, then write it in any programming language which you understand. After that, compare your solution with others solution. Looking at the other people solution will make you looking to the problem from different angle, and can be useful to measure at which level of your current skill are.
Write down algorithm in form of rough sketch or points (whatever suits you) for your own understanding.
Proceed with step by step coding. Always dry run the programs in a rough page before compiling it. That will help you to find the loop holes and better understanding of the program.
Commenting is often neglected by many programmers, but i find step by step algorithm written along with the code very crucial.
First develop your skill in designing algorithm to solve some problems and then try to write the said algorithm in language C++, i would preferred it. because C++ is Object oriented programming and easy to learn.