I have n classes plus one unknown. Unknown is not included in the training set as the way is not explored as yet by me.
I trained the network for n classes. The confusion matrix is very good.
Now if an unknown class object comes in for prediction, the neural network predicts it as any of the n classes. Which is clearly misclassified. The confidence also comes near by 0.998, which makes it difficult to filter out. Otherwise known class object of n trained classes is classified at same confidence.
I tried keeping a class which does not include any feature set of n classes i.e. sort of negative sampled class as unknown class. As output, the confusion matrix goes very bad. Bad enough not to go further with that. This I am still going through.
How to determine unknown class using neural network? That it doesn't fall in any known class classification.
I am using MATLAB ANN toolbox for now and FANN too. FANN works great.