I have problem to choose i_parent_start and j_parent_start values in order to get the most inner domain to surround a given area/zone with wanted dimension (e.g: 10km*10km).
I want to compare collected data and that simulated using WRF.
Also, inside the WPS/utils directory, you have a bunch of plotgrids*.ncl scripts. They generate an image of all domains that you have defined on your namelist, you just need to run one of them and keep changing "i" and "j" parent_start.
If you don't have NCL check it out here: https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/
It has a few interesting functions designed for WRF output.
I would like to ask you how to chose parameters/values in namelist.input for a given zone (e.g: tropical zone such as sub-equatorial African region). I attach my namelist file I am trying to use now.