
This question is related to object recognition/segmentation of remote sensing images.

My understanding of 2D, 3D and 4D is that it covers XY, XYZ and XYZ,Time. I do not have a definition for 5D, but google tells me it is for dynamic 3D images (which it calls 4D) captured at different times. I would call this a 4D dataset - so i am confused. 

My question arises as I am looking at different segmentation methods - some say they are only designed for 2D images - but does this change if you have a 10 band multispectral image? Additionally I came across this in the Python scikit manual

""Quickshift is a relatively recent 2D image segmentation algorithm, based on an approximation of kernelized mean-shift. Therefore it belongs to the family of local mode-seeking algorithms and is applied to the 5D space consisting of color information and image location""


This further confuses me and I think these are two different "5D" image terminologies, one relating to object tracking in images and the other to spatial/spectral part of segmentation process.

Thanks for any help in clearing this terminology up,


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