Dear fellow researchers,

I am currently writing my Bachelor's Thesis on the topic of dynamic network visualisation of an entrepreneurship social network in a city in Germany. Being relatively new to the whole topic and method, I am at a loss as how to best approach the topic. I am supposed to identify the key actors in the network and how they are connected using data available online (e.g. social media, newspaper and magazine articles, Crunchbase etc.).

I though about starting with Crunchbase to identify the actors, and then follow-up links to see if I can find who they are connected with. I also thought about searching though social media using relevant hashtags and identifying the actors and then going from there. However, I'm not sure if this is the right way to go.

I want to use Gephi as a network visualisation tool, but I am also unsure how to properly approach the data collection in order to have some sort of dynamic network as a result.

I hope you can help me and give me some tips or suggestions.


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