let I have 128 size vector for 5 keypoints for image I1 and 7 keypoints for image I2.
I have used Sum of square of distance method to calculate distance between keypoints. i.e.
1) i have calculated SSD of first keypoint of I1 with all keypoints of I2.
2) calculated ratio of first best match with second best match.
3) if ratio is > 0.8 then i concluded that keypoint of I1 is not matched with any keypoint of I2. Otherwise I have included number of current keypoint and matched keypoint with its score i.e. its euclidean distance in my final match.
I have tested this for two images of same object.
also tested for two images of different object.
In both cases final result gives some entries of keypoint and their euclidean distance.
I have tested above mention two cases with VLfeat library of matlab. It also generate entries in their 'match' and 'score' while testing two images of same object and different object.
What information of this result will help me to tell that images are matched or not matched?
One more question when we try to match keypoints, Keypoints from background of object also participate in matching process. Is it not going to hamper final match?
As per my understanding as we are trying to match 128 vector which is calculated from 16x16 pixel area around keypoint, There could be possibility of same type of vector can be present in image of different object. then how we can say that object is recognized/matched ?