Chairing a conference session at a scientific conference can be a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time! As we are approaching the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, title: "Understanding the Inclusive Organization," taking place in Boston, Massachusetts, USA from 9th to 13th August 2019, we thought it might be useful to highlight or share “top tips” for chairing scientific sessions based on our own experiences.

I am sharing some key points for chairing scientific session at the conference:

1. Come prepared (i.e., Make sure you know how to introduce each speaker, Make sure you know how to introduce each presentation, and Think about what the talks in your session have in common)

2. Manage the time well (Bring a clock and remember to note when each talk starts, Inform the speakers and the audience , Be strict with the speaker, Be strict with the audience, and Be strict with yourself).

3. Make the speakers feel at ease (If possible, try to be in the room ten minutes earlier, Agree on a format for the session, Prepare emergency questions, and Remember to thank the speakers).

4. Put yourself into the shoes of the audience ( Formally welcome the audience, Introduce yourself, and Don’t let the audience drift away).

Please also share your views and experiences while chairing any past scientific sessions at the conference. Thank you.

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