I have read that a partial ground plane helps to increase the bandwidth of a micro strip antenna. But how do i calculate its length? Is there any specific design steps or formula for that or should i try it by trial method?
The standard ways in which the ground plane conductors are made varies with the operating frequency of the antenna and hence the length of the conductors. You can follow book based on microstrip antenna design.
Hello. Basically the length of ground plane depends on the frequency. But I would suggest you to that find the similar structures from published work and use the length of ground plane as a reference. When you are done with designing, you can vary the length to get the desire output. Hit and trial!!
The bandwidth improvement comes from selecting a proper separation between the lower edge of the antenna patch and the upper edge of the ground plane. These two edges generate a capacitive reactance that compensates the inductive reactance along the the feed line and the patr ch edges. Therefore, by separating the upper edge of the ground plane by about 0.5mm away from the lower edge of the antenna patch, the antenna starts to show a significant improvement in the frequency coverage.