I want to calculate the energy consumed by the individual sensor nodes and also the total energy consumption of the sensor network......Kindly suggest me some method to do the above......like formulas or models etc....
The energy consumption in a sensor node depends on average rate of the power consumption of node times the time of operation. The power consumed is that spent in the acquisition and processing the signals in addition to the transmit and receive power. That is the power consumed in the communication transceiver. As well as the quiescent power. These powers can easily determined experimentally
as the sensors nodes are available.
There is also some values given in the literature when one needs to minimize the energy consumption in such nodes.
Select type of mote sensor for ur model. Refer to its specifications and u can calculate by urself. Ex, energy consumed when Tx part is turned ON = Supply Voltage (V) * Current consumed for turning on the Tx circuit * time period. The unit is watts-sec or joules.
Farzad Tashtarian, M. H. Yaghmaee Moghaddam, Khosrow Sohraby, and S. Effati. "On Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks in Event-Driven Applications with Mobile Sinks." IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2014).(DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2014.2354338)
There are more papers available for energy consumption research.
Refer our paper "Energy efficient data collection through hybrid unequal clustering for wireless sensor networks" by L.Malathi,R.K.Gnanamurthy,Krishnan chandrasekeran.
This paper indicates two formulas for calculating the energy consumption in wireless sensor network, the first one based on two interval times while the second one based on HEDA's constituents. the formulas in "overall energy consumption formulation" part
W. Rabiner Heinzelman, A. P. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, "Energy-Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Microsensor Networks," Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS '00), January 2000
The energy consumption in a sensor node depends on average rate of the power consumption of node times the time of operation. The power consumed is that spent in the acquisition and processing the signals in addition to the transmit and receive power. That is the power consumed in the communication transceiver. As well as the quiescent power. These powers can easily determined experimentally
as the sensors nodes are available.
There is also some values given in the literature when one needs to minimize the energy consumption in such nodes.
I would add to Prof. Zekry's very helpful answer that if your total energy consumption also depends on features that require cooperative computing between your nodes, the scale factor of your network will highly influence the energy requirements.
If the network contains nodes that do not depend on partial or full cluster collaborative processes, then the total energy consumption will much lower than the one of a distributed system. The energy required to perform operations on a node tend to increase sharply at very large scales if they require results from other nodes. This is seldom observed in experiments as the scales generally remain too small. For networks composed of several thousands of nodes, an inefficient distribution protocol will be so energy-consuming that it may render the whole system irrelevant. Unfortunately, I do not have sufficient knowledge to suggest any models to estimate such a complex variable.