1) There is a Gaussian program. It has a studied cluster of 100 atoms (a flat structure such as graphene in the nodes of which nitrogen is sometimes found. In the middle of the cluster are two atoms of ferromagnetic metals (Ni and Co, for example).

2) For this cluster, the dipole moment mu, polarizability alpha was obtained in the Gaussian program and hyperpolarizability beta.

I read the article: DOI: 10.23919 / ISEIM.2017.8166541

There for some reason to pitches i.e. the Clausius – Mossotti equation for gases is applied to solids.

I really need to calculate the dielectric constant in any way with any error, and I decided to do the same as with the article.

I always get a dielectric constant close to 2-2.5. How can this be?

I also found the calculation of dielectric constant in other programs:

1) cp2k: https://www.cp2k.org/exercises:2018_uzh_acpc2:mol_sol

2) siesta: https://github.com/siesta-project/tutorials/tree/master/OpticalProperties

Should I start to study these programs, or can I get the result from existing data?

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