Hi, I'm not that advanced when it comes to remote sensing I'm still learning, would you please help me to find a formula that i can use to calculate Chlorophyll-a Concentration using Landsat 7 and 8, specific, your help will highly be appreciated.
You can use ACOLITE free software to calculate Chlorophyll-a automatically by applying different algorithms and atmospheric corrections. This is much easier than implementing equations by yourself.
I developed the following model to estimate Chlorophyll-a concentration in inland waters and showed a good correlation with in-site measurements (r2=0.77) when using Landsat 8 Products:
Cl-a [mg/m3] = e^((Green/Blue+Green/Red+NIR/Red))
For the methodolgy to apply the model you can check the paper:
Conference Paper Changes in the Trophic State Of Lake Valencia (Venezuela) fr...
Feel free to contact me if you have additional questions in how to apply the model.