Hello everyone,

I have the data set as per the attached sheet.


(Notes: 3 companies (A, B and C), n = 15, Y is the dependent variable.)


 I have this problem that I would like to solve:

-          I would like to identify whether Y and X relate positive or negatively.

-          I would like to identify whether Y and Z relate positive or negatively.

-          I would like to identify which independent variable (X or Z) has more effect on Y.

-          I would like to identify if Y increases (or decreases) in proportion to X and Z increment or decrement.

You may think of Y as the company profitability (say ROA); X as Mergers and Acquisition investment; and Z as Research and Development investment.

I have the data for three companies for 15 years each, totaling 45 observations for the tree companies combined.

Is the sample size and the number of observations enough for a regression analysis?

If yes, which technique is the most appropriate and why?

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