Hello Mohammed Habes : any form of media, is a means of communication, must be presented attractively and content must be suitable for students, need more practice, and material must be effective and easy to understand. then the way of presentation must be able to make students happy and like. regards.
Dear Mr. Mohammed Habes , Depends on how many students are interested in using it. In addition, how can the teaching team introduce the latest learning media to their students? And how often media is used as a means of interaction between instructors and students. And specifically, what goals do you want to achieve using media ?? does the media fit the needs of students? Thanks, Regards.
Dear Mr I Putu - Artaya Thank you for your great information Also with good collaborative learning, an educational institution cannot take advantage of social media for improving academic performance. Regards
Some studies have been conducted to obtain preliminary results for the use of social media currently. The results obtained show that social media influence collaborative learning positively and significantly with peer interaction, interaction with supervisor, participation, perceived ease of use, and perceived benefits.