I generated the predicted structure of a dimer of proteins using AlphaFold2, but it has overlapped amino acids like the picture.

(PDB file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1frFw6gH1rqvtZfVmubVm-thQ2lvli1lZ/view?usp=sharing )

Because of this, SMOG ( https://smog-server.org/cgi-bin/GenTopGro.pl ) returns an error `FATAL ERROR: Contact between atoms 356 451 below threshold distance with value 0.192` when using this PDB as an input.

What I came up with was performing energy minimization on the entire protein by MD simulation software like Gromacs or resolving a part of the amino acid sequence using molecular viewers or modeling software like Pymol.

Which is a better way or is there another way to solve this issue?

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