The scale you can see on the picture is from a northern pike caught in April (21/04/2016; lenght : 60cm). One important point, that fish lived in oligotrophic waters and possessed technically a slow growth. It means that lenght is maybe not a good indicator to evaluate his age.
In this fragment of scales pike can be seen well five annual rings, as well as the increase in less than a year. Thus we are seeing in terms of age 5+.
As we all know, scales are among the least accurate structures for estimating ages of fishes. Studies on Sander vitreus and Perca flavescens alone demonstrate that for derived teleosts age estimates from scales are typically low beginning around the age of maturation. If the authors have the time and resources perhaps a study on age estimation methods for Esox lucius is in order!
It seems that your Pike has finished five years i.e. currently experiencing 6th year of life. To determine the exact decimal value, you need to find growing season in your study location (in days) and capture day.
More reliable age could have been determined from the whole image though.