I am going to complete my master degree in Nanoscience and advanced material at Universidade federal do ABC , Sao Paulo , Brazil . My research project is mainly about solar water splitting by using semiconductor thin film.I would like to gain work experience in these sectors - Nano Materials for efficient solar cell , solar water splitting by using different semiconductor matetrial, coating , Photocatalysis , electrocatalysis , Nano sensor ,Thin film , Nano fabrication, material characterization by XRD , SEM etc . . I would like to work as a research assistant any nano science research center under a supervisor  or thin film production industry or polytechnic institute or any realated places . I am ready to go to anywhere in the world . Because I am very enthusiastic to work on it .

So, please help me to find out this job as well as to fill up my enthusiasm .

Thank you all very much .

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