23 November 2022 3 5K Report

I have been reading and reading and reading and not yet found answers to my bulk density questions. I have found plenty of great details about how to gather a bulk density sample.

I am not clear - in a wetland study - how many bulk density samples should be collected? and from where?

For example, our study has 3 control sites, 3 treatment sites.

We have used composite samples, each consisting of 3 cores at 0-10cm.

Also, composite samples at 10-20cm.

From each site we have gathered 10 composite cores, at each depth group.

We have 120 samples total.

Would I take one sample at each wetland to measure that site's bulk density (BD)?

Would I take one sample for BD, for each depth at each wetland?

Would I take one sample for BD, from each composite region?

Does it matter if I gather the sample from underwater or from wetland area that is rather dry at the time of sampling?


If anyone has papers/references/resources to point me to, to see how other go about answering these sorts of questions, I am very appreciative!

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