"1. Please note that Table 2 contains measured data with significant digits which are not possible in field and even laboratory measurements. The data were apparently truncated with a spreadsheet. Please reduce the number of significant digits in this table and possibly in the main text based on the accuracy and precision of the measurements (no more than 2-3). Please consult with an expert or search online (e.g., Google) on what significant figure means. If you have difficulty in dealing with significant digits, you can place this table in the supplemental section. Please note that significant digits are not equivalent to decimal places except that there is only zero before the decimal point."
I received a revision request from the editor regarding the tables that present monitoring data for PM1, PM2.5, PM10, NO2, Black Carbon, Ultra Fine Particles, and Noise. The measurement devices used for each parameter are noted in the captions below the tables.
How can I adjust the tables or modify the captions to address this feedback?