One of the best strategies that I tend to use is as follows:
1. Have a research question. What is the problem that you are trying to address? If you could argue that something causes or leads to the problem, then what would that be?
2. Figure out how to measure the problem (outcome variable) and the potential causes (independent variables). This can be done through a review of the research examining both the outcome variable and the independent variables. Perhaps another researcher has already published findings in which they measure one. Don't reinvent the wheel if you don't have to. Use their scale if it is non-proprietary and cite them accordingly.
3. Examine prior research and theory to come up with relevant control variables. Again, look at prior research to see how other researchers measure the control variables. Those will be covariates in your model.
I recommend reading the attached articles to get started in survey research. Those should answer a number of your questions and give you an idea of next steps.
1. You must have clear-cut aims. For instance, you want to study relationship between ethical leadership and organizational learning.
2. you have developed hypotheses among different variables of your study. on the basis of literature, you hypothesize, for instance as follows: Ethical leadership is positively related to organizational learning.
3. Now you look for the scales that measures these two constructs. If measurement scales are available, then you adopt them or adapt (modify them according to your context, aims) them.
4 Finally, these scale items / statements are included in the survey questionnaire.
2) Scope the literature to identify variables (both significant and non-significant ones) that have been considered in your proposed area of research.
3) Discuss/Inquire with colleagues or experts in the field (one of the easiest way is to contact any corresponding author of any of the papers you reviewed).
4) Then list out variables and discuss with your team on the most relevant, measurable ones in accordance with your scope, resources and time frame.