Kırınımın sağa doğru kaymasının nedeni deney öncesinde sağ ve solda oluşan verilerin eşit olmamasıdır. Yani simetrik olması gerekiyor. Ayrıca deney esnasında bazı veriler gözden kaçırılmamalı. (indis, kırıcılık, ortam, açı, yansıma vb.)
I don't know what kind of nanomaterial you are looking at, but it is dangerous to make judgments based solely on the movement of a single diffraction peak. Simply moving from bulk to nano, in other words, when the surface effect becomes larger, various changes can occur. If the structure changes dramatically, other peaks will also change. If the crystal lattice is slightly distorted, the peak will generally shift to a lower angle, that is, to the left.
Each crystal orientation is related to the definite X-ray scattering angle or diffraction angle. For silicon the orientation (111) corresponds to the 27o and (220) -43o. And after that you can determine the fraction according to the Scherrer formula for nanocrystals or microcrystals.