I am using an SS chamber, approximately 30 liters of volume, pumped using a TMP (Pfeiffer HiPace 300, 200l/s) with scroll pump (BOC Edwards XDS 10) used as backing pump. TMP is directly connected to chamber. A gate valve is connected to exit of TPM (between TMP and backing pump). I am using it to seal chamber when not in use. The chambers has CF joints all sealed using Teflon gaskets. The chamber is mostly empty except a translation stage and few Teflon screws.
During my experiments I pump chamber to 6*10^-7 mbar (4-hours of pumping) and inject Helium gas puffs. During shut down, I switch-off TMP, close the backing gate valve and turn off the backing pump. Then I wait for TMP to ramp down to 0 rpm before cutting the power to system.
One day after shutdown, I turned the backing pump on and open the gate valve. I pumped for 10minutes (5e-2) then closed it. Interestingly, I observed that the pressure was still reducing. It went all the way down to 8e-3mbar (in 5 minutes) before stabilizing.
At first, I suspected the faulty gate valve and completely disconnected the backing pump line. The TMP was also at stand still, but the gauge still showed reduction in pressure. I also tested with two different gauges, Pirani (MKS instruments, calibrated for Helium and air) and Pfeiffer full range gauge, but found the same thing. The chamber is never baked and is always at room temperature (24C) . Chamber is not vented for 30 days and the pumping is done daily for 8 hours.
Can someone explain what could be the reason? Is is possible that using Helium gas may be affecting the readings of the gauge. Is there a possibility of surface pumping through adsorption?