Suppose an RCT, with 30 participants in each arm. Group A receives CBT sessions, Group B as a waitlist control does not. Both groups complete a depression questionnaire measure at baseline, and after Group A have had their CBT, both groups complete the questionnaire again. Te change in depression scores is the outcome of interest. However, let's say 5 individuals from Group A drop out, and so do not have the second time-point data, and likewise 2 individuals from group B dropout. If the study is wanting to carry out intention-to-treat analysis, how does this work. Is missing data computed for the dropped out participants (by some method)? Are group means of the depression scores just calculated as normal and the difference examined, despite group size discrepancy at the end time-point? Or are the participants that dropped out excluded entirely from calculations?

I have gotten very confused! Many thanks for any help!

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