Developing trustworthiness depends on the qualitative methods you plan to use for your research (e.g., phenomenological, ethnographical approach, or grounded theory...etc...) However, having an audit trail for analytical decision making can help you, also working together with team members to develop coding consensus for results. Check out...Guba, E. G. (1981). Criteria for assessing the trustworthiness of naturalistic inquiries. ECTJ, 29(2), 75-91.
This article might help: Campbell, John L., Charles Quincy, Jordan Osserman and Ove K. Pedersen. 2013. “Coding In-Depth Semi-Structured Interviews: Problems of Unitization and Inter-Coder Reliability and Agreement.” Sociological Methods and Research 42(3)294-320.
How does a researcher enhance trustworthiness and dependability with qualitative research?
As qualitative researcher, audience should trust that researcher has used proper methods in this study. when using trustworthy methods in your research, audience depends on the findings of the study.