There are escalating research of Service Innovation in Service Industry, as prior to that the research has been on the service innovation in manufacturing industry.
It is a very good question. I suggest you to think about the final product. This question can help you : What are the final products delivered by Service and Manufacturing Industries ?
The first will probably sell a service as product. The other will sell products and use service in order to better sell them, or in some cases also sell service as a new business opportunity.
Dear Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija, the basic question we should raise here is what is innovation? Then we can move to the difference or similarity. Innovation is the process of creating new idea or improving the existing one or using the existing one in different ways from the current state. Hence, the innovation for service and manufacturing industries differ in their operational differences. Manufacturing industry produce product plus deliver service while that of service industry may give only service that has no intact with production. so the innovation difference lies in the activities of the industries.