
I am studying about the travel behaviour of working parents. How do I key in data about their children in SPSS? This is really important considering the factor of number of siblings and gender in a family influence the travel behaviour.

For example, a respondent have 4 children;

1. Female, Age 3

2, Female, Age 5

3. Female, Age 6

4. Male, Age 9

For now, I key in according to total number of children they have. For example:



Age < 1 month = 0

Age > 1 m – 1 y = 0

Age > 1 y - 2 y = 0

Age > 2 y - 5 y = 2

Age 6 y - 12 y = 2

Is this the right way? Because I have a hard time to analyse this kind of data. Really appreciate if anyone of you can help me. Thank you

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