Different world class companies are trying to integrate firms in developing countries. In their recent research paper, Gary Gereffi and Joonkoo Lee have discussed thoroughly "Why The World Suddenly Cares About Global Supply Chains". This leads to a new way of thinking and address critically the change for a company to adapt its practices for sourcing and distribution and to work with their key partners in the supply chain. Most improvement efforts could not be effective due to lack of standard models and a common language that incorporate the firms in developing countries. To directly apply such models directly, the models have faced different new situations. Because of these, the effective utilization of the existing modelling and improvement models, companies are always challenged by the existing challenges to apply without a proper adaptation of the model to the real situation.

The main challenges are:

• Country specific and organizational culture;

• The outdated technologies and manual and semi automated operations;

• Lack of basic ICT infrastructure;

• Inadequate infrastructure (roads, electricity, and water supply facilities).

• Lack of access to skills and professional practices;

Can you share your experience on such types of endeavours and successful stories in model adaptation for performance measurement, modelling and improvement?

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