I want to know the best paths chosen by a given protocol(as in AODV the path with min. hop count is best path). From where I could understand this path? was that trace file or what?
Beacon Km :- You will get your answer with the help of "Trace file", i.e., output file with respect to your TCL script. But, firstly, you have to understand the basic wireless trace file output. Then you will be able to understand that dynamically how your simulated protocol chooses the path.
Varun Kumar Sharma yeha of course I do understood the trace file output but I don't think it indicates the chosen path like S->1->4->7->D path is chosen for routing bla bla...
@Bekan Kitawm .. Just go inside ns-2, you will have a file named cmu-trace.cc. Everything related to trace output is clearly mentioned in form of different subroutines in that file. Still, if you're testing an AODV protocol, you will not be able to get the desired output (e.g. 1->2->3). Still in the trace file the route is clearly mentioned but in other format. Otherwise, try to test DSR protocol, you will be able to get the output in your desired format. Also try to refer