New technology risk/future-proof technology: Technology in this field is changing quickly, and the fear of technological obsolescence is real for utilities. Advanced metering infrastructure technologies also often do not have mass-scale proven business cases to demonstrate the benefits of implementing AMI. Technology implemented today needs to be easy to upgrade and integrate with technology of the future—future-proofing MDM components will go a long way toward alleviating fear of technology obsolesce, making sinking capital into MDM less of a risk
A Product obsolescence can be viewed as a signal of decreasing sales toward zero sales. The product obsolescence starts from the end of maturity period and finishes at the end of decline period. With respect to the reason, we can predict the product obsolescence by comparing sales per periods within the interval of time.
Thera are available obsolescence forecasting tools and methods. These capabilities can be broken down into three subgroups:
electronics components obsolescence
assembly obsolescence
system life cycle management focused capability
A worty system solution should consider a combination of capabilities in order to fully manage the system.
Commercial tools that fall in the first category are Q-Star, TACTRAC, DNBi Supply Management,Parts Plus, AVCOM (Advanced Component Obsolescence Management)
Fo the second category MOCA (Mitigaion of Obsolescence Cost Analysis) from the University of Maryland take the output of tools such as TECTRAC or Q-Star as inputs to the assembly-level aggregation and optimization. OMIS (Obsolescence Management Information System) further extends the assembly-level analysis.
R2T2 (Rapid Response Technology Trade Study) falls under the last category and strives to forecast systems obsolescence across the desired life cycle and allows for comparison to alternative solutions.
Recently I learnt about another predictive model and the existing tool especially for IT.
Breakthrough Streaming Analytics for Anomaly Detection
Grok enables superior insights into your critical IT systems so you can stay ahead of problems. Grok learns complex patterns in your application environment and then identifies unusual behavior in those systems -unlike other tools that rely on static thresholds or simple statistics. As software topology and usage patterns change, Grok continuously learns and adapts, eliminating the need for frequent maintenance. Visualization of Grok predictions, and the underlying streaming metric data, is displayed via a web application, or on a mobile device, enabling IT professionals to assess the health of their systems anytime, anywhere.