A method I've used for CEC was Faithful 1985 - Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis - A Practical Handbook. Basically ammonium acetate extraction is used to determine the available nutrients in biochar and then the CEC is determine through measuring the concentration of ammonium present within the biochar sample
The best way is with mercury porisimetry. You can determine total porosity, bulk density, skeletal density, or particle density, and pore size distribution. we just measured a green waste Biochar. The other thing that is worth doing is scanning electron microscopy from which it is also possible to measure pore size distribution. Measuring bulk density is difficult by other approaches because the Biochar floats in water
A method I've used for CEC was Faithful 1985 - Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis - A Practical Handbook. Basically ammonium acetate extraction is used to determine the available nutrients in biochar and then the CEC is determine through measuring the concentration of ammonium present within the biochar sample
A little clarity of your question would be needed for me to provide some recommendations. Are you interested in to measure these parameters in the actual biochar product or after the biochar is apply to the soil?
I would like to share some thing i am working bio char production and apply to the soil. i will standard procedure of determining the bulk density and porosity is measure through SEM and TEM image study only and CEC of biochar measure only Boehm titration is easy way to analysis