Concentration of -COOH not found properly by ATR-FT-IR.
But if you want to try, take known amount or concentration of -COOH solutions FT-IR spectra. Then make sure that -COOH band around 3300-3100 is visualized. If heights of the same bands are not changing then measure the area under the peak. If height of bands have changed then Plot the graph of the concentration Vs. Peak height or Peak area. This calibration plot is used for found the concentration of -COOH group in your sample.(R2=0.999)
Now scanned your samples in FT-IR range. Now found the height or peak area of the band (3300-3100) of each sample. Obtained values of peak height or area match with that of calibration plot.
Same experiment also done using proton NMR spectroscopy. NMR spectroscopy gives reliable results. Peak of -COOH's proton is found near 10-12 delta ppm