Dear Dr. Maliogka,

I am Masoud Naderpour (Molecular Plant Virologist) and working for the Iranian Seed and Plant Certification Research Institute. I am doing almost the same research in Iran for plant propagating materials as you do in Greece specifically for optimizing detection methods for the Iranian plant certification scheme, developing new detection methodologies for viruses, viroids and phytoplasmas. At the moment I am working partly on detection of grapevine viruses and viroids distributed in the Iranian vineyards. In order to develop new technologies for detection of graft-transmissible agents, I would like visiting your lab and being informed with your experiments specifically on NGS and nanobodies in virus and viroid detection. Could you please give this opportunity to me? May be this can be a start point for future collaborations. Please send me your reply via email to [email protected].

Best Regards,


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